5D Abilities

Control of Yourself and Your Environment

Control of YouI ask myself why great beings from other dimensions on a mission to help us Earthlings go into 5D would emphasize Creating, over anything else.  I’m thinking of Abraham with Esther Hicks and Bashar with Darryl Anka.  Why would they want to teach us Law of Attraction / Law of Harmonic Resonance?  Why not emphasize energetic work, Love and Light, or say, our planetary history?  Why not emphasize fighting the slavery now being perpetrated all over this Earth, of YOU and me, and most people?

In Dr. Gregory’s model of spiritual development, level 5 is “Control of Yourself and Your Environment”.  This seems to be perhaps our main lesson for 5D Earth.  If we are to realize ourselves as the true creators, as the facet of the Creator that we are, then we’d better be able to control our own lives.  We really ARE in charge of our lives.  AND we are co-creators of our Earth and this whole Universe.  So don’t you think we ought to practice on ourselves right NOW, to become a participatory creative element of New Earth?

Create Your Own PathwayLet’s do it!

Let’s keep

listening to the Creating playlists

on my YouTube channel (off the Main Menu) and let’s continue

observing ourselves non-judgmentally


observing our energies and those around us.

This will make us


That’s just a start.  Then the real work begins:

Creating your own pebble path in the Multiverse!

Now, don’t tell me this viewpoint of reality is crazy until you listen to this video:

Video 2 Link

This next video explains a lot, even why the Controllers have their little brainwash robots out there telling us to “prove it”, as if scientific proof could rule anyone’s life.

Video 1 Link


3 replies »

  1. Reblogged this on Spiritual Warrior Path and commented:
    By Rosalie Parker on July 31, 2014

    Control of YouI ask myself why great beings from other dimensions on a mission to help us Earthlings go into 5D would emphasize Creating, over anything else. I’m thinking of Abraham with Esther Hicks and Bashar with Darryl Anka. Why would they want to teach us Law of Attraction / Law of Harmonic Resonance? Why not emphasize energetic work, Love and Light, or say, our planetary history? Why not emphasize fighting the slavery now being perpetrated all over this Earth, of YOU and me, and most people?

    In Dr. Gregory’s model of spiritual development, level 5 is “Control of Yourself and Your Environment”. This seems to be perhaps our main lesson for 5D Earth. If we are to realize ourselves as the true creators, as the facet of the Creator that we are, then we’d better be able to control our own lives. We really ARE in charge of our lives. AND we are co-creators of our Earth and this whole Universe. So don’t you think we ought to practice on ourselves right NOW, to become a participatory creative element of New Earth?

    *NOTE: Video’s contain exslicite ‘Adult Language’*

    Liked by 1 person

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